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SceneOptions interface

Configuration to use when constructing a Scene


export interface SceneOptions 


apiKey?string(Optional) The API key used to authenticate with the server
audioOnly?boolean(Optional) Whether the connection should be established with audio but no video
contentAwarenessDebounceTime?number(Optional) Frequency of sending on-screen content measurements to the server in milliseconds
loggingConfig?LoggingConfig(Optional) Preferred logging levels for websdk
requestedMediaDevices?MediaDeviceOptions(Optional) Media devices (camera and microphone) to request from the user before connecting
requiredMediaDevices?MediaDeviceOptions(Optional) Media devices (camera and microphone) that the user must approve access to for the connection to succeed
sendMetadata?{ pageUrl: boolean; }(Optional) The config to allow sending current page url when connection succeeds
stopSpeakingWhenNotVisible?boolean(Optional) Default true. True means that the DP's speech should be interrupted when the user changes tabs
tracerOptions?TracerOptions(Optional) Configuration of the OpenTelemetry tracer
videoElement?HTMLVideoElement(Optional) The HTMLVideoElement where the digital person should be displayed