📄️ Building Content Cards
Display content cards within your custom UI
📄️ Displaying Content Cards
Display content cards using Content Cards API
📄️ Content/Cinematic Cuts
Enable autonomous server-controlled camera cuts
📄️ Custom UI Templates
React template to build custom UI
📄️ Accessing the User's Camera and Microphone
Request access to user's Camera and Microphone
📄️ Connection State
Determine the Digital Person Connection State and make the current state available to other applications.
📄️ Content Awareness
Make the Digital Person aware of content on the screen
📄️ Conversation State
Determine the Conversation State and make the current state available to other applications.
📄️ Logging
Debug using logger
📄️ Persona Configurations
Persona class configuration
📄️ Scene Configurations
Scene Configurations
📄️ Session Persistence
Allow session persistence to continue a Digital Person session on a different page
📄️ Text Transcript
The transcript for a conversation includes the text-based inputs of both the Digital Person and the User. In your UI, you will need to capture this text and save it into a list if you wish to display it.
📄️ Auto-playing a Digital Person
Connect to Digital Person automatically
📄️ Web SDK Events
Web SDK Events